The La Aurora cigar factory was founded in 1903 and it is the oldest factory in the Dominican Republic. La Aurora Cigars often commemorates milestones in the history of the company and the Time Capsule Series is no exception. Each blend in the La Aurora Time Capsule series features a year in the name, and that name corresponds to the year the La Aurora factory first started working with a particular wrapper.
For Connecticut 1987, La Aurora showcases a Connecticut Shade-Grown wrapper over a Dominican binder and fillers of Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. La Aurora has nearly 30 years experience with this delicate wrapper and has now blended a surprisingly affordable, yet smooth and refined, smoking experience, as thanks to cigar enthusiasts’ support over their prevalent history.
Corojo 1962 features a Dominican-grown, Corojo wrapper, harvested from the Cibao Valley. The blend is then complimented with an Ecuadorian binder and fillers of Nicaragua and the Dominican Cibao Valley. After fifty-four years blending with this Corojo tobacco, La Aurora now showcases their mastery by offering a top-tier smoking experience at an unbeatable price point!
The fourth cigar in the Time Capsule series is La Aurora 1985 Maduro, so named for the cigar's dark Brazilian maduro wrapper. This featured leaf is then joined by fillers and binder of both the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Smokers can expect to find the most full-bodied offering in the Time Capsule collection, showing a syrupy concoction of Hershey's chocolate, maple, earth, and clove-like spice.